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YogaSoul.Online's Wellness Center is a trauma-informed yoga school that is here to service individuals in finding inner peace through the love of yoga and all of its branches.  


The foundational root of YogaSoul.Online and its wellness center seeds from the ancient teachings of Swami Sivananda and has grown over the years to offer healing practices to many people looking to build stability, strength, balance and inspiration. 


YogaSoul.Online believes that peace stems from within and the goal of  YogaSoul.Online's Wellness Center is to offer space for all to grow and unite in harmony. 


Our teachings carry forward the four paths of yoga: Raja (purification), Jnana (knowledge), Bhakti (love) and Karma (service). 


We also carry forward the five principals of yoga:  Proper Exercise (asana), Proper Breathing (pranayama), Proper Relaxation (savasana), Proper Nutrition and Positive Thinking (vedanta) & Meditation (dhyana).


"Yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life."  


All are welcomed.


Peace - Love - Harmony - Happiness

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